This marine park, established in 1968, boasts white sand beaches for swimming and sunning, excellent reefs for diving and snorkeling, waves for windsurfing and rock pools for exploring.
Attraction Type: National park
Watamu Beach, Malindi
The coastal village of Watamu is known for its wonderful white sand beach. The region is protected as part of the Watamu National Marine Park.
Malindi: History and Travel information
Malindi, Kenya’s second largest coastal town, is situated about 120 km north of Mombasa just a little south of the equator.
The city’s climate is generally hot and humid all the year along.
Malindi was founded in the early 13th century by the Arabs.
On the 15th April 1498 Vasco da Gama reached Malindi.
The most important industry in Malindi Municipality is, no doubt, the tourist sector.
Today more than half of the locals benefit directly or indirectly from tourism.
The most significant economy outside Malindi township is agricultural based. Beside these there are some fishery activities, manufacturing, commerce and trade.